Brand Nubian ‘One for All’ 25th Anniversary

This weekend (December 4th 2015 more accurately) marked the 25th Anniversary of the release of Brand Nubian’s debut LP ‘One for All’. This is usually the place we give a quick synopsis of the LP and why we have deigned it of sufficient importance to be included on this blog but in this instance we’ll keep it short as our very own Chris Read has put together a mixtape to mark the occasion which says more than a paragraph or two here would achieve. (Although, if it’s words you’re after, this article gives a decent run down.)

For reasons best known to the licencing folks at Youtube almost all the videos in the official stream of the album are dead, but many of the album’s high points appear on their ‘Best Of’ LP which you can listen to on Youtube here.

[Purchase physical copies / check release details on Discogs here]

Classic Material